The Locker Beef Process

How do I buy locker beef?

1) Raising

Arrow-S-Cattle raises your beef on its pastures.
You reserve either a whole, half, or quarter beef while its being raised.

2) Butchering

Arrow-S-Cattle transports your beef to a local butcher shop. The butcher shop communicates with you to find out how you want your beef processed.

3) Picking Up

You pick up your processed beef from the butcher shop then pay Arrow-S-Cattle for your beef (per pound hanging weight).

Common Terms

On the hoof weight: finished live weight (about 1150-1350 pounds).

Hanging weight: weight of the meat and bones after the head, skin, feet, and organs have been removed; usually about 60% of the live weight (about 690-810 pounds). This is the weight that Arrow S Cattle uses to charge customers and the weight that butcher shops use to calculate the processing fee.

Packaged weight: weight of the meat that the customer ends up taking home; usually about 65% of the hanging weight (about 450-525 pounds).

Cut list: the desired way the customer wants the butcher shop to separate and package the cow.

Typical Costs*


Both sides of the cow
$ 3750 (Average - All Costs Included)
  • Raised by Arrow S Cattle
  • Butchered, cut, and wrapped by local shop
  • Picked up by customer


One side of the cow
$ 1875 (Average - All Costs Included)
  • Raised by Arrow S Cattle
  • Butchered, cut, and wrapped by local shop
  • Picked up by customer

*Costs listed here are for estimation purposes only.

Whole Vs. Half - Which one Should I get?

common cuts of beef

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