Why Arrow-S-Cattle


Arrow-S-Cattle grass-fed, grass-finished locker beef is leaner. While a grain-dense diet packs on more fat, a grass-only diet packs on more protein. 

Arrow-S-Cattle grass-fed, grass-finished locker beef contains more healthy fats. Our beef comes packed with healthy fats such as Omega-3.

Arrow-S-Cattle grass-fed, grass-finished locker beef comes packed with more vitamins and minerals. 

Bite for bite, grass-fed beef beats grain-fed beef as the leaner, healthier, and more nutritious choice for you and the people gathered around your table.

But hold up! Some beef farmers say they’re raising grass-fed beef, but they’re actually using grain to fatten out the herd right before the butcher date. 

Arrow S Cattle doesn’t do that. 

Our Simmental-Angus cattle only eat what grows in our pasture. 

Grass-fed. Grass-finished. That’s our promise to you.


We work hard to maximize our herd’s fat content to ensure maximum taste. Here’s our strategy.

First, Arrow S Cattle raises a Simmental-Angus herd. While Simmental cattle are a Swiss heritage breed that thrives on a grass-only diet, Angus cattle are the big and tasty American favorites. The unique Simmental-Angus hybrid breed blends the benefits of grass-fed and great-taste.

Second, Arrow S Cattle schedules butcher dates when the herd has reached its peak condition – spring and early summer. During these months, new-growth grass delivers maximum nutrition, causing the cattle to fatten up. Spring and summer butcher dates guarantee that you get great-tasting grass-fed beef on your plate.

While the Simmental breed is optimized for a grass-only diet and the Angus breed is optimized for taste, strategic butcher dates optimize the herd’s fat content. Arrow S Cattle brings it all together to provide you with the best locker beef in the Willamette Valley. 

Your mouth should be watering.

Responsibly Raised

When you source your meat from Arrow-S-Cattle, you get more than just great-tasting beef. You also get meat raised with respect for both the land and the herd.

We practice smart and limited use of chemicals by using fertilizers to keep our pastures healthy and by spot-spraying our fields to keep out thistles.

Our cows graze freely from the day they’re born until the day we transport to the butcher shop.

We use a slow farming process that allows the herd and the pasture to thrive together in a sustainable eco-system.

Learn more about the locker beef process by visiting arrowscattle.com/locker-beef-process.

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